Viennese bread and buns Business Directory

Viennese bread and buns Business directory

> Business Directory > Food and Related Products > Bread and Cakes > Viennese bread and buns

Viennese bread and buns entries of companies, associations and organizations are gathered here with contact-data, hours and experience reports of customers. You can enlist your own company entry or association on this page.

Viennese bread and buns entries

There were 97 entries found


Hauptstr. 50
79423, Heitersheim

 07634 2958

Charles-Roß-Weg 24
24601, Ruhwinkel

 +49 (0)432390100
 +49 (0)4323901033

Postplatz 2A
08280, Aue

 (+49) 03771251421

Siedlerweg 9
88524, Uttenweiler



Otto-Schill-Str. 2
04109, Leipzig

 (+49) 0341 / 9601500

Stedinger Str. 65
28203, Bremen

 (0421) 671880

Dotzheimer Str. 24
65185, Wiesbaden

 0611 4504932

Wikingerstr. 8
76189, Karlsruhe

 +49 (0) 721550045
 +49 (0) 721557756

Wolfratshauser Str. 150
82049, Höllriegelskreuth

 (+49) 0897444070
 (+49) 08974440777

Oststr. 35
44866, Bochum

 +49 (0)232788657
 +49 (0)2327/61067

Schützenstr. 11
90513, Zirndorf

 +49 (0) 911609031
 +49 (0) 911605685

Marconistr. 49
70435, Stuttgart

 +49 (0)711822297
 +49 (0)7118262266

Bahnhofstr. 5
79400, Kandern

 (+49) 076267365
 (+49) 0762660291

Ellernbrook 13
25782, Schrum


Gutenbergstr. 1
31157, Sarstedt

 +49(0)5066 6004 0
 +49(0)5066 6004 129

Eleonorastrae 42
45136, Essen

 (0201) 8965603

Siegener Str. 21
57234, Wilnsdorf

 (+49) 02712318282

Nordwalder Straße
48565, Steinfurt

 +49 (0)2552 637527

Messeler Str. 34
64291, Darmstadt

An den Teichen 3A
09224, Mittelbach

 (0371) 8577160
 (0371) 8577162

1 2 3 4 5 >>


Cities & surrounding

Viennese bread and buns branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Viennese bread and buns in this month. This month 29 companies were registered, 27 were updated and 36 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Viennese bread and buns March 2025Diagram Viennese bread and bunsDiagram Viennese bread and buns March 2025DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Viennese bread and buns with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Viennese bread and buns 2025Statistics Viennese bread and bunsStatistics Viennese bread and buns 20250153045607590February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics